czwartek, 14 lutego 2013

Konkurs FOX 2013

Ogólnopolski konkurs FOX w tym roku odbędzie się 26 lutego (wtorek) 2013r. Wszystkie potrzebne informacje na temat tego konkursu znajdziecie na stronie Na tej stronie w zakładce "Materiały przygotowawcze" znajdziecie testy z lat ubiegłych. Informuję, że interesują nas jedynie poziomy Kittens - dla klasy IV oraz Bunnies dla klas V i VI.
Lektury w tym roku to:
- dla poziomu Kittens - "Mowgli"
- dla poziomu Bunnies - "Lisa in China"
Tematy dodatkowe:
- dla poziomu Kittens - idiomy z rzeczownikiem cat
1. like a cat on a hot tin roof – describes someone who is in a state of extreme nervous worry (jak na rozżażonych węglach)
2. be the cat's whiskers – to be better than everyone else (być pępkiem świata)
3. curiosity killed the cat – said to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something (ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do piekła)
4. fat cat - someone who has a lot of money, especially someone in charge of a company who has the power to increase their own pay (gruba ryba)
5. fight like cat and dog – to argue violently all the time (żyć jak pies z kotem)
6. play cat and mouse – to try to defeat someone by tricking them into making a mistake so that you have an advantage over them (bawić się w kotka i myszkę)
7. let the cat out of the bag – to allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to
 (wyjawić sekret, wygadać się)
8.  no room to swing a cat – said about a place or space that is very small (jest bardzo ciasno, nie ma gdzie się ruszyć)
9. put/set the cat among the pigeons – to say or do something that causes trouble or makes a lot of people very angry (wsadzić kij w mrowisko)
10. when the cat's away the mice will play – people do what they want when their boss or another person in authority is away (kiedy kota nie ma myszy harcują)

- dla poziomu Bunnies -  idiomy z przymiotnikami black i white
1. in black and white – in written form, and therefore definite
(czarno na białym)
2. black and white - considering things in a way that is too simple and as if things are either completely good or completely bad (czarne lub białe - tylko dobre lub złe)
3.  a black mark - when people notice and remember something which you have done wrong or failed to do (negatywna ocean, minus)
4. a black look – when your face is full of anger and hate (ponure spojrzenie)
5. the black sheep of the family – a person who has done something bad which brings embarrassment or shame to their family (czarna owca)
6. be in the black – if a bank account is in the black, it contains some money, and if a person or business is in the black, they have money in the bank and are not in debt (na plusie, wypłacalny)
7. not as black as you are painted - not to be as bad as people say you are (nie taki diabeł straszny jak go malują)
8. white as a ghost / white as a sheet - if someone is (as) white as a sheet, their face is very pale, usually because of illness, shock or fear (blady jak ściana)
9. white as snow – very white in colour biały jak śnieg
10. a white elephant – something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose (kosztowne przedsięwzięcie)
11. a white lie – a lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop someone from being upset by the truth (niewinne kłamstewko)

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